Holiday Highlights: Part One

Okay, “Holiday Highlights” sounds like a really bad hair special that some salon in my small TN hometown would offer, but let’s go with it.

The past few weeks have been a blur of tinsel and candy canes, but that’s what the holidays are usually like, I guess. It’s no secret that I really love this time of year, and having Finn makes it even more special, but if we’re being honest, it is also exhausting. As all yuppies say: I need a vacation from this vacation.

Still, there were some really good times had by all. And I have a ton of photos to share!

We kicked things off with a trip to see our favorite Santa. Remember how adorable and comfortable Finn was with Santa, last year?

Well, things were a little different, this year. We didn’t quite complete devolve into hysterics (even if I was secretly hoping we would–just for the photo), but we did have quite a bit of suspicious unease.

Which was tempered, a bit, by the fact that Santa knew “Patty Cake.”

But, ultimately, Finn just wasn’t loving it.

We did our annual Christmas card photo shoot, complete with our matching jammies!

And we got Finn’s bestie, Veen, in on the action.

The key to keep Finn still for a hot second: marshmallows!

Our first group of holiday visitors was Sona’s brother, Krishant, and his wife and son. Finn was SO happy to have Max, his cousin, around for a few days. We decorated holiday cookies, played in the snow, and went to the museum.

Of course, Finn ate more than he decorated. #likemotherlikeson

“Quick–let’s see if we can get him to hold still long enough for us to pretend we can actually take a family photo without him losing his shit!”

These two–so adorbs!

Part two–coming, tomorrow!



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