Travel: San Juan, Puerto Rico


Since I plan to write a good bit about our travels (we’re in a constant state of wanderlust, especially me), I thought I’d start with our “babymoon.” Seems like a natural transition, right?

We took our babymoon very early in the pregnancy. To be honest, we planned the babymoon before there was even a baby. My Jewish grandmother would KILL me for that sort of thing, but, with my teaching schedule, we had a narrow window in which to plan the trip.

Initially, we thought there was a small chance we’d get pregnant two months earlier than we did (you can read about that adventure here). So, we were worried that if we waited to do a babymoon once my semester ended, that it would be too late.

As fate would have it, we were only 8 weeks pregnant when we set off for our island-hopping adventure. On our trip, we visited San Juan, Nevis, and Anguilla.

San Juan was first up.




We only did a one-day layover in San Juan, and we concentrated on seeing as much of Old San Juan as possible during those 24 hours. This is a walking city, and we walked A LOT. Had Sona been further along in her pregnancy, her poor feet wouldn’t have lasted in that heat.



One of the things I really wanted to do was have a custom hat made at Ole Curiosidades. It was a bit of a touristy indulgence, but it’s a great memento from our trip. (And I have the world’s biggest head. So, I best take advantage of custom-made hats when I can.)




Mostly, though, we wandered. That’s really our favorite thing to do in a new place. The colonial architecture in Old San Juan is so beautiful, and the narrow streets make for great meandering.



We stayed at Hotel El Convento, and loved enjoying drinks and nibbles on their rooftop during sunset.


It happened to be NYE that first night in San Juan. It was the beginning of the year that would forever change our lives. It was the first day of one of the last trips we’d take as a child-less couple. We celebrated with an amazing meal at Marmalade, complete with non-alcoholic cocktails for my preggo.


It was one of the best nights in what ended up being a pretty trying year (maybe I’ll talk more about that, soon). Looking back at these photos, I remember exactly what it was like to be at the threshold of a hugely exciting–and terrifying–life change.

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